Vladimir Fedoseev

Vladimir Fedoseev is one of the best players in the world in the actuality, and one of the most interesting. It looks like this player has chess in his blood, to the way he plays and the incredible talent he showed to have.

Vladimir Fedoseev shares his birthplace with masters like Boris Spassky and Victor Korchnoi. That’s how he has such a great chess culture, and now he is among the best players in the world.

He is currently top 20 in all-time controls FIDE 100 best players list, and he is a young player still. Although he is not as young as other players like Firouzja, or Nihal Sarin, his chess career is still starting.

Today, we will give a look at the career of Vladimir Fedoseev, do you think he could reach the world championships one day?

Another interesting fact about Vladimir Fedoseev is his playstyle and the tactics he uses against his rivals. We will analyze some of his games in this post, we will learn a lot from his games.

Here is everything you need to know about GM Vladimir Fedoseev.

How has Vladimir Fedoseev progressed in chess?

Vladimir Fedoseev has been compared to players like Alexei Shirov, and other important masters. Despite his short career, he has achieved a good amount of success.

For example, he became a FIDE master at age 13, and that’s when his chess career started. He has won many tournaments playing with the best players in the world, and still being on top.

The playstyle of Vladimir Fedoseev

Vladimir Fedoseev counts with a very active and aggressive type of play. He usually combines this with a weird order in the opening to find weaknesses or mistakes. Vladimir Fedoseev is excellent to generate counterplay and think under pressure.

This is why he is specialized in blitz, where he has shown the best results, and it is one of the fastest at the top level.

Best games played by Vladimir Fedoseev

This first game was from the European championship when Fedoseev didn’t have the top position he has now.

BabujianGM 2491
Vladimir FedoseevGM 2691
Yerevan Chess Masters4
March 10, 2014 – Yerevan, ARM
1.d4Nf62.c4g63.Nc3d54.cxd5Nxd55.e4Nxc36.bxc3A classical Grundfeld where black will try to against white’s center, if black exchanges the queens normally will have advantage6…Bg77.Nf3c58.Rb1O-O9.Be2b6not to common of a move, but very interesting, black is straight going to put pressure on the center10.Bg5Bb711.Qd3f512.exf5Rxf513.Qe3cxd414.cxd4Nc615.Bd3Rf816.Bc4+Kh817.Rd1The fight is over the d4 pawn, white needs to defend it at all costs17…Rxf318.Qxf3Na519.Qe2Nxc420.Qxc4Bxg221.Rg1Rc822.Qe2Bc6Black gave the exchange for the pair of bishops, initiative, and an extra pawn23.Rg3Qd524.Be3Bb525.Qb2Bc426.Rc1e527.Rg5Bf628.Rxe5White gives the exchange back, or else he knows is going to lose28…Bxe529.dxe5Rd830.f3Qxf331.Qf2Qh1+32.Qg1Qd533.Qg4Qd3But Fedoseev simply finds another way, white is already lost, black’s pieces are just too active34.Qf3Kg835.Rd1Qc3+36.Rd2Rxd20–1

As you can see, GM Vladimir Fedoseev likes the active play! This other game is even more incredible, from the 2015 world blitz chess championship.

Vladimir FedoseevGM 2659
Pavev EljanovGM 2717
Berlin Tournament18
May 29, 2006 – Berlin, GER
1.e4c62.d3d53.Nd2Qc74.Ngf3Bg45.h3Bh56.g3e67.Bg2Nf68.O-OA very weird order of moves, but still this is a king’s Indian attack8…Be79.b3O-O10.Bb2a511.a3Nbd712.Qe1b513.Nd4Bc514.N2f3dxe415.dxe4The plan for white is to take space with f4, close the center and launch an attack15…e516.Nf5Rfe817.g4Bg618.Qe2Bxf519.exf5e420.Nd4Qf421.Qe3Qxe322.fxe3Nd5Black needs to create problems and activate, or it will end up tied up23.Rfe1b424.axb4Bxb425.Re2Bc326.Bxc3Nxc327.Rd2Ne528.Ne2Exchanging pieces is only good for white, the horrible pawn structure black has is going to play in favor to white28…Nxe2+29.Rxe2Nf3+30.Kf2Re531.Bxf3exf332.Rd2g533.Kxf3Kg734.Ra4White is trying to consolidate the position quietly34…Rc535.b4Rb536.c3Re537.e4h638.Rda2Rd839.bxa5Rd3+40.Kg2Rxc341.a6The game is already over41…Re842.a7Ra843.Rb21–0

Finally, one of his best games at the top level against the GM Vladimir Kramnik.

Vladimir KramnikGM 2812
Vladimir FedoseevGM 2726
Dortmund Chess Masters1
July 15, 2017 – Dortmund, GER
1.e4c62.d4d53.exd5cxd54.Bd3Nc65.c3Qc76.Na3a67.Nc2The caro-kann is a very solid opening, and the white player is nothing more than Kramnik!7…Nf68.h3e69.Nf3b510.O-OBb711.Re1Bd612.Bg5Ne413.a4bxa4This capture is not the most recommended, but avoids the weakness on b414.c4Nxg515.Nxg5dxc416.Bxc4Nd817.Ne3Bf418.Qh5Bxe319.Rxe3Qxc4Avoiding castle in the first stages of the game confuses the opponent, and normally complicates, but Vladimir Kramnik won’t fall for such a simple trick20.Rxe6+Kf821.Re5h622.Rae1g623.Qh4Kg7Black is defending very well, at this pace, black will exchange enough pieces and eventually win, Kramnik needs to go all in24.Nxf7Nxf725.Re6g526.Qh5Rhe827.Qg6+Kf828.f3Qxd4+29.Kh1Rac80–1

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