Chess: Open Files
What is an open file? An open file in chess is a file in which there aren’t any pawns or pieces blocking the way. So
Read general information about chess. In addition, discover all the benefits of this sport and the best curiosities with the IM Alberto Chueca.
What is an open file? An open file in chess is a file in which there aren’t any pawns or pieces blocking the way. So
Let your children play chess online! If you have kids interested in chess, as a parent, you are worried about your child playing chess online
What is a passed pawn in chess? The passed pawn is chess is the pawn that has no opposition to advance and has a freeway
The covid-19 lockdown has driven the world to come up with different things, it has changed our lives, and also chess. But probably, not for
What is the FIDE rating or ELO rating? For the new blood in the chess community, there is always a question that makes doubt beginners.
How important is it to be in a chess academy? Studying in a chess academy is one of the most important experiences of the chess
The 30 influencers you must follow in Twitter if you’re a chess player Chews news, chess novelties, and information in general about chess, the best
What is AlphaZero? That is a quite interesting question that is actually very difficult to answer, but I’ll do my best. AlphaZero is a chess
The cute relationship between chess and poker Chess and poker are two table games that are connected for a narrow string. The playing experience that
The USCF The USCF is the United States Chess Federation, is the institution in charge of representing the U.S. in FIDE. Also, it confirms the
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