Queen in chess: Discover more new information about this incredible piece!
Queen is the most powerful chess piece, capable of moving any number of squares in any direction.
Read general information about chess. In addition, discover all the benefits of this sport and the best curiosities with the IM Alberto Chueca.
Queen is the most powerful chess piece, capable of moving any number of squares in any direction.
Discover the best chess movies on Netflix! Stream classic and modern films about the popular board game.
Jennifer Yoo is a renowned chess champion with extensive experience in teaching and competing. Her expertise in the game has brought her widespread acclaim.
The knight moves in an L shape on a chessboard, two squares horizontally and one vertically or vice versa.
Experience the roots of R&B with Etta James and Leonard Chess. Discover the legendary music makers’ influence on the genre.
Luxury Chess Table and Chairs – the perfect set for elegant gaming. Quality craftsmanship and materials. Enhance your home today!
Chess cheating: Learn how to spot and prevent it.
Marshall Chess Club: America’s oldest and most prestigious chess club, founded in 1915.
A bishop is a chess piece that moves diagonally across the board. It is powerful and versatile, allowing for strategic attacks.
Play the ancient game of Viking chess, a fast-paced strategy game of battle and wit.
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