chess move checkmate queen
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Learn The Chess 7 Move Checkmate!

Chess openings traps

When the game of chess is starting, there are many quick tricks players can use against each other. However, quick traps in the opening are sharp, you can get a chess 7 move checkmate or an absolute disaster.

You need to know how to play for the advantage in the opening, which already is something not so recommendable to do. If you are playing an experienced player, you can be sure he won’t fall for quick tricks in a classical game.

If not, you might stand a chance to trick a beginner into a weird opening trap … Read more

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chess yugoslav attack
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Destroy Your Rivals: Chess Yugoslav Attack!

Chess Yugoslav attack

The chess Yugoslav attack is one of the most aggressive and sharp ideas of the Sicilian defense, it appears in the Rauzer variation. It’s characterized for being a pretty tactical and sharp position in which complications arise.

Given its nature (opposite castling), it turns out to be the best option for those who just want blood spilled over the board. Not all of the variations of the Rauzer in the Sicilian need to be that aggressive, but the Yugoslav attack is a good idea.

The chess Yugoslav attack is not the name of the variation itself, this … Read more

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best chess app board
06 Online Chess, Databases and Software ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Which Is The Best Chess App?

How to choose the best chess app?

It’s not easy to find the best chess app, there are many options and none seem to be the best for us. Is necessary to know what we want to spot the best option, and best, not always means the most expensive or most beautiful.

The best chess app must offer a great playing experience, good servers, and resources to play chess. And all of the features you prefer, of course, there are functions a website has and we don’t use.

You should evaluate, what do you want? What does a chess app … Read more

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positional chess pawn
The Technique
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Positional Play

7 Imperative positional chess concepts

The positional chess concepts are something that we can’t stop studying in chess. These are the key ideas that make the process of thinking a lot easier in chess.

They give us simple tricks and pre-determined plans to follow in certain positions. They were created by the masters that have learned from their previous experience of the game.

They have left this knowledge for us, the new generation of chess players, to study them and improve them. This is how chess has evolved a lot over the years, and the reason the game is what … Read more

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chess bishop pair queen
05 The ways to improve in chess ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Bishop Pair

The chess bishop pair

The bishop pair in chess is an important factor that represents an advantage, is also one of the rarest chess concepts seen. We have it as “rare” because although the material is equal, in a position with the bishop pair, you can feel the misbalance.

Having two bishops instead of two knights is a real advantage in chess, but it also depends on the position. Having two knights instead of two bishops can also be an advantage if we have the right position.

As with almost every chess concept, we can sense the relativity of this … Read more

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chess endgame preparation queen
04 Chess endgames ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Endgame Preparation

What is endgame Preparation in chess?

The endgame preparation in chess is almost as important as the opening preparation for a chess tournament. This is a normal practice for the amateurs that are going into a tournament or even professionals.

You have to know how to correctly prepare your endgames, and this is work that goes along with the opening stage.

Endgames are usually lost for not knowing the general rules, or knowing a practical idea about them. Even the strongest players usually fall for traps or even overlook simple variations to win endgames. Variations they would not overlook if … Read more

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chess over protection queen
05 The ways to improve in chess ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Overprotection

What is the overprotection in chess?

Chess over protection is an old concept that was brought to chess first by the legendary Aron Nimzowitsch. Overprotection consists of protecting one point of piece or square of the board to get the maximum use out of this.

Nimzowitsch had a principle, in which he stated that he could win games following this principle. However, there is no clear way actually exploit this factor in chess.

This is a pretty polemic topic to talk about in chess because it has its pros and cons to apply this concept. Mane chess masters don’t agree … Read more

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center and development
03 Chess middlegame ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Center & Development

Chess center and development

There are different principles or rules to play chess correctly, two of the most important are the center and development. You surely have already heard about these two, but what do chess masters mean by this.

The objective of this post is to give a practical approach to these topics, along with simple explanations and tips to apply to improve your game now.

Defining the Chess Center

center and development queen

The chess center is one of the most important factors in chess, by this we mean controlling the central squares. Having control over the center in chess can give … Read more

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