Play The Strange Saragossa Opening!
Saragossa Opening The Saragossa opening is one of the most interesting openings there are to try out. It may seem normal and simple, but it
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Saragossa Opening The Saragossa opening is one of the most interesting openings there are to try out. It may seem normal and simple, but it
Ponziani opening The Ponziani Opening is a good weapon against pretty much anything, and it also forces a lot of the opponent’s move. It’s one
Latvian Gambit The Latvian Gambit is an interesting gambit with black, that allows him to get some initiative in the opening. The gambit is pretty
Stonewall Attack The stonewall attack is an interesting setup that you can use pretty much against any opening. Before getting into the matter, something important
The Benoni defense The Benoni defense is, and has been always, one of the most important openings to play aggressively against white’s queen pawn. It’s
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The Danish Gambit The Danish Gambit is an incredibly aggressive and tricky chess opening that will require you and your opponent to have theory knowledge.
Taimanov Sicilian Defense The Taimanov Sicilian defense was an idea of the grandmaster Mark Taimanov many years ago. This is one of the variations that
Queen’s Indian defense in chess! The queen’s Indian defense is a typical response to white reactions if you know how to play against the d-pawn
The Grob gambit The grob gambit is an interesting opening choice for white, is one variation to have fun over the board. However, the grob
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