The magic of chess and eSports
What is eSports? ESports is the name given to all of the sports that are played on electronic devices or portals. That’s why the “e”
Improve your chess learning with the free posts of the IM Alberto Chueca.
What is eSports? ESports is the name given to all of the sports that are played on electronic devices or portals. That’s why the “e”
Best chess YouTubers to learn Learning chess is easier nowadays because the internet has so much information and a lot of content. Chess YouTubers do
The best chess streamers Chess has been growing progressively in the giant streaming platform: Twitch. The reality is that chess has taken some popularity because
The best apps to play chess Improving in chess is a task that requires hard work, discipline, and excellent methods to learn. As a chess
What chess level is my child? Parents usually worry too much about their kids’ improvement and development in chess. As a chess coach, I have
Ways to dramatically improve at chess Everyone wants to become better at what they are doing, in this case, improve at chess. Mastering chess should
Chess center and development There are different principles or rules to play chess correctly, two of the most important are the center and development. You
What is an open file? An open file in chess is a file in which there aren’t any pawns or pieces blocking the way. So
What is a passed pawn in chess? The passed pawn is chess is the pawn that has no opposition to advance and has a freeway
Getting better at something is mostly achieved just by practice. Do it more and more until you are a pro at doing it. Experience is
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