Chess: Positional Play
7 Imperative positional chess concepts The positional chess concepts are something that we can’t stop studying in chess. These are the key ideas that make
Improve your chess learning with the free posts of the IM Alberto Chueca.
7 Imperative positional chess concepts The positional chess concepts are something that we can’t stop studying in chess. These are the key ideas that make
What is endgame Preparation in chess? The endgame preparation in chess is almost as important as the opening preparation for a chess tournament. This is
What is the overprotection in chess? Chess over protection is an old concept that was brought to chess first by the legendary Aron Nimzowitsch. Overprotection
Learn chess online for free Nowadays we have the internet on our side to back us up in pretty much anything we can do. Internet
Train chess online for free Training chess online is possible, and we all know the power and reach of the information Google has stored. There
Chess books for kids How we present chess to our children is extremely important, of course, just if your kid really enjoys chess with chess
How to win a chess game without book moves? His chess theory has been given too much value in the chess competition world. Like everything,
Free chess resources to become a better chess player Many books have been written about chess improvement and are amazing how big this topic can
Chess and its different variations Chess is a game that has had great reach all over the world, and it has a community that takes
How Beth Harmon changed chess Chess has been taking over slowly of all streaming platforms that are popular nowadays, first, Twitch, and now Netflix too.
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