26 free chess download

Get your free chess download: “The secrets to progress in chess…”

A chess player needs three basic things in order to advance in the game: methodology, practice and a good guide. It serves him to achieve his purpose. If you want to improve, because you have already decided chess is your passion, you will have to make use of different tools like books, guides, videos…

Sure you have found chess material that was interesting and helpful, but to download it you need a lot of money. Well, let me tell you that those days are over, I have good news for you: You can download free chess directly from my blog!

The guide that I offer you (for free) will help you to improve your ranking. It offers you learning based on a guaranteed methodology because it has already been tested. This, only a principle among other things you need to know.

Looking for someone to instruct you in chess is the best option for a person who wants to advance in their level of play. When you have a personal chess trainer, it opens a range of real possibilities for advancement, based on the development of good techniques and game strategies.

All of this is because a chess trainer is endowed with superior knowledge, which will inculcate you in a personal and didactic way. It means, he has the pedagogy necessary to adapt to your needs and be able to effectively transmit their knowledge.

Download the free chess guide to improve

First of all, the professional coaches help you in reducing errors, teach you new moves and new tactics so you can use them in your games and help you to win more games. A relevant advantage that guarantees you to have a personal coach is that you will raise your ranking participating in chess championships.

If you want to know more about chess, take advice and take advantage of all the knowledge of an experienced coach to improve your level of play, then I invite you to get to know the quality and totally free chess training. Yes! You have read well, it is free! without paying anything, don't you think it's a really great option?

Download now the free Chess Training that I offer you and I guarantee you can learn from it and you enjoy it as much as you want. Chess is a sport where you need to put into practice all possible knowledge, techniques and strategies, without leaving any aside and here I tell you how, go ahead, you already have it at hand!

Methodology explained step by step in this free chess download

Helping you to improve, advance and teach you techniques that you do not yet know how to put into practice, is the mission. In the free chess download, you will find a methodology adapted to your age or your rating.

If you are a beginner you will find basic and useful concepts to begin to play, if you are already in an intermediate level, you will know the control and dominion of the sports and the methodology to reach to the next level.

If on the contrary, you are already in the advanced level, this guide will serve you to perfect your style, to find the necessary flexibility and the development of new tactics to apply them in the chess tournaments and to maintain you updated and in good mental form.

Start right now with this free chess download

The method guarantees you can advance in your chess game safely helping you in the way you apply psychology during the development of the game and deals with advanced topics of the game, essential for your learning.

This method is based on years of experience, research, and it is a result of hard work, which has provided excellent results to users.

With the use of the free chess training guide, you will go further, you will know how to defend yourself on the board during middlegame and endgames. It will show you your mistakes and how to correct them and you will understand why you lose a chess game instead of winning it.

PDFs can be taken everywhere on your mobile.

The PDF – Free chess download

Books in online format are becoming increasingly famous, there are several platforms allow you to read what you want, but one of the best and the one that I recommend is the PDF.

ebook 01 the secrets to progress in chess b

In this guide you will learn the secrets to progress in chess, consists of three (3) short sections will provide you with the necessary help you are looking for to improve and perfect yourself in the game and of course reach the goal: Win!

You have at hand a guaranteed guide, reliable, which you can acquire quickly and safely, in addition to free. Don't forget, if you want to move to the next level in the game of chess, you need to study the theory, learn new methods that allow you to move forward and read interesting facts to keep up to date on the subject.

All this and more you can get with the use of the guide. The results will leave you pleasantly surprised and you will not hesitate to recommend it to other players like you.

About the author of this post

Do you want to know more about “The Rebel Alliance”?

Discover how to put your chess to other level!

This is what I’ve got for you:

The best chess classes to progress as soon as possible to the next level, easily and without complications.

A clear way and methodology. You will know where you are and where we are going to reach.

A chess platform though to teach chess and a big group of rebels to progress together!

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