Trompowsky Attack
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Trompowsky Attack

Trompowsky Attack

In this post, we study a very good system to play as White: Trompowsky Attack (named after the Brazilian master: Octavio Trompowsky). This Opening is good for players who like to avoid too theoretical lines. In general, the middlegames are more or less balanced, but as Trompowsky Attack is not mainline, very often Black is not familiar with the positions and this could mean a small additional advantage for the first player, who, by the way, will know much better the subtleties of the positions.

We have Trompowsky Attack on the board after the moves

1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5… Read more

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Grünfeld Defense
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Grünfeld Defense

Grünfeld Defense


In this post, we analyze an aggressive variation against Queen’s Pawn: Grünfeld Defense. This is a sharp asymmetric line for aggressive players. Something interesting about this line is the fact that the Game of the Century, between Donald Byrne and Bobby Fischer (who was 13 years old at the moment of this game) in 1956 was a Grünfeld Defense by transposition.

It is not so good about Grünfeld Defense, that White can play so many different variations and sidelines more or less interesting and strong. However, the good news is that usually the general ideas for … Read more

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catalan opening
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Catalan Opening

Catalan Opening

Today we are going to study a very famous and strong variation for White: Catalan Opening. The Best Masters in the World still play it very often, so, definitely, it is a pretty good opening, and at the same time it is an easy and interesting option for players wanting to improve. We are going to analyze and understand some theory, general plans and typical development squares for white pieces.


Great Masters who played Catalan Opening

Great Chess legends like Garry Kasparov, Viktor Korchnoi, Vladimir Kramnik, and Viswanathan Anand played Catalan Opening in their Chess Careers, … Read more

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dutch defense
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Dutch Defense

Dutch Defense

Hi, everyone. If you are looking for a new and strong defense against Queen’s Pawn, then you are on the right site. In this post, we are going to study Dutch Defense, an interesting and sometimes dynamic variation.

1.d4 f5


The idea with this move (1. … f5) is to control the center with a pawn. The drawback, compared to other first moves for Black like 1. … Nf6 or 1. … d5 is that it is not developing any piece. However, Black is taking some really interesting space in the Kingside, which could be important in … Read more

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slav defense
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Slav Defense

Slav Defense

Are you having trouble playing against Queen’s Gambit? In this post, we will study a strong and popular variation against it: Slav Defense. This is a fantastic line, they play it in the Elite, but at the same time, it is a good option for beginners and club players.

We have Slav on the board after the moves:

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6

Some theory and ideas in Slav Defense                 

When White plays 2.c4 Black has two main options: to accept the Gambit with dxc4 (Queen’s Gambit Accepted) or decline … Read more

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Queen´s Gambit
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Queen’s Gambit

Queen’s Gambit

Have you ever heard or read about Queen’s Gambit? You think it is an interesting opening but you do not understand it very well and you are not sure how or where to start? Well, if that is your situation, then you are on the right site because in this post we are going to learn and understand from the very beginning how to play this strong variation.

1.d4 d5 2.c4

The idea with the second move c4 is to attack Black’s central pawn, and trade it for a Bishop pawn, which should be very convenient for … Read more

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nimzo indian defense
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Nimzo-Indian Defense

Nimzo-Indian Defense


Are you having some trouble when facing Queen’s Pawn? Would you like to learn and play some interesting and annoying variation against it? In this post, we are going to analyze a very strong system: Nimzo-Indian Defense (named after the great Aaron Nimzowitsch).

This is one of the best lines Black can play against Queen’s Pawn, the second player is getting a balanced game in almost the lines, and it is really hard for White to get anything from the opening in these variations. It is strongly recommended for all levels, from beginners to masters, and it … Read more

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Queen's Gambit in chess
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Queen’s Gambit in Chess – What You Need to Know

The Queen's Gambit in Chess

Most beginners are taught to play 1. e4 as White, as it controls the center and paves way for pieces to come out immediately. However, there are people who are starting to pick up 1. d4 as a strong alternative. The only downside to d4 is that it will delay castling by a few moves. However, players appear to be finding that d4 might be more solid, lead to interesting positions, and quite simply, might be better for their styles. The first 1. d4 opening we should learn is after Black mimics White's movement with … Read more

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the london system
01 VIP - The Rebel Alliance ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess Openings: The London System – IM Alberto Chueca

The London System

When we learn to play chess, our teachers teach us the opening and its basic principles. Simple things like control the center, develop your pieces, castle, etc. The uphill battle from here is which opening to choose from. There are so many choices! In this article, I want to recommend you the London System.

Many players chose prestigious opening lines like the Najdorf Sicilian, Italian Game, maybe even King’s Gambit, and spend hours of our lives memorizing theory and learning every trap in the book.

Although, what if I told you that there is Read more

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