The Excellent Trompowski Attack
Trompowski attack The Trompowski attack is an aggressive way to play for white in the queen’s gambit. This opening tries to put pressure as fast
Trompowski attack The Trompowski attack is an aggressive way to play for white in the queen’s gambit. This opening tries to put pressure as fast
The Tarrash defense The Tarrash defense is an interesting way to defend in the Queen’s gambit, and although old, is a line that has its
Torre Attack The Torre attack is an interesting opening system that White can use to attack in the kingside mainly. You have many ways to
English opening The English opening is one of the most interesting openings in chess there are, and one of the most flexible. This opening can
The Mieses opening The Mieses opening is one of those openings that look questionable, but actually involves a lot of ideas. This is included as
The Hungarian opening The Hungarian opening is an interesting opening line that starts with a very flexible move for White: 1.g3. This opening is also
Saragossa Opening The Saragossa opening is one of the most interesting openings there are to try out. It may seem normal and simple, but it
The Colle system The Colle system is an interesting opening idea that involves White playing in the center slowly but surely. You can assure very
Bogo-Indian Defense Bogo-Indian Defense is an interesting variation Black can play against Queen’s Pawn. It is named after the strong master Efim Bogoljubov. Since the
Réti Opening Réti Opening is a solid, flexible, and interesting system for White. It is named after the great master Richard Reti. Something good is
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