Chess 2700+ Rating
Chess 2700+ ELO: The combinative and analytic chess Some people might not understand that how the chess 2700+ ELO works and is very interesting. If
I will explain the main concepts you need to know about chess middlegame to play better and improve your level.
It will include the strategy and technique that you acquire learning the basic concepts. For example, they can be pawn structures or typical ideas like: Domination, bishop vs knight, the bishop pair, the squares, the weaknesses in chess…
They are very instructive concepts to help you to progress in chess.
In general, the concepts explained in the chess middlegame are the concepts that are going to help you to improve more your chess level. Put much attention to them.
Sure you will want more! :)
Chess 2700+ ELO: The combinative and analytic chess Some people might not understand that how the chess 2700+ ELO works and is very interesting. If
Chess queen: The most aggressive piece on the board The chess queen is the most important piece in the game of chess, it provides dynamism
The next chess move in the key moment There are important moments in chess when we have to choose our next chess move, which is
The all-mighty chess knight The chess knights are indispensable pieces, they are “cheap”, I mean, sacrifice material, also pretty strong in the correct positions. Placing
The powerful bishop The bishops are strong pieces, they are incredible when it comes to defending and attacking simultaneously. They cover a wide extension of
The importance of the bishop Knowing how to seize the art of the chess bishop coordination is key to getting crushing attacking positions. The bishop
Isolated Pawn Definition A pawn is said to be isolated if there are no pawns of the same color beside it. In other words, the
Maximize your chess using chess strategy Do you know how the best chess players in the world win their games? It’s generally not hanging mate
The Initiative in chess The Initiative in chess sounds like one of those terms only Grandmasters use for commentary. Is this a concept that beginner
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