I will explain the main concepts you need to know about chess middlegame to play better and improve your level.

It will include the strategy and technique that you acquire learning the basic concepts. For example, they can be pawn structures or typical ideas like: Domination, bishop vs knight, the bishop pair, the squares, the weaknesses in chess…

They are very instructive concepts to help you to progress in chess.

In general, the concepts explained in the chess middlegame are the concepts that are going to help you to improve more your chess level. Put much attention to them.

Sure you will want more! :)

positional chess pawn
The Technique
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Positional Play

7 Imperative positional chess concepts The positional chess concepts are something that we can’t stop studying in chess. These are the key ideas that make

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center and development
03 Chess middlegame ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Center & Development

Chess center and development There are different principles or rules to play chess correctly, two of the most important are the center and development. You

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chess open files pieces
03 Chess middlegame ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Open Files

What is an open file? An open file in chess is a file in which there aren’t any pawns or pieces blocking the way. So

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chess passed pawns
03 Chess middlegame ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Passed Pawns

What is a passed pawn in chess? The passed pawn is chess is the pawn that has no opposition to advance and has a freeway

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