Chess 50 move rule: The rule that every strong player most know.
Learn about the Chess 50 Move Rule, which requires a game to end in a draw if no capture has occurred in 50 moves.
Learn the most typical chess endgames that you can play in a game and save points playing them properly.
I don’t know why but for many chess players the endgames are one of the main weaknesses when they can be very interesting! I love to analyze them.
Mainly, the games against players of a similar rating are decided in endgames.
In my Academy, the endgames are one of the first lessons that we’ve got. They are one of the main keys to progress quickly.
Finally, I hope to share with you a bit of the passion that I’ve got analyzing the endgames.
I hope you enjoy learning them :)
Learn about the Chess 50 Move Rule, which requires a game to end in a draw if no capture has occurred in 50 moves.
Chess: A game of strategy where King can kill King. Challenge yourself and outsmart your opponent!
Chess is an exciting strategy game for two players. Challenge yourself and your opponent to think ahead and outwit each other. Fun for all ages!
When we talk about endgames everyone can remember a former world champion who based his whole game on this phase of the game, however, for
7 Imperative positional chess concepts The positional chess concepts are something that we can’t stop studying in chess. These are the key ideas that make
What is endgame Preparation in chess? The endgame preparation in chess is almost as important as the opening preparation for a chess tournament. This is
What is an open file? An open file in chess is a file in which there aren’t any pawns or pieces blocking the way. So
The Opposition in Chess Many chess games go down to that final moment. For example, you played a hard-fought game, with a theoretical opening stage,
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