chess for kids
08 Chess anecdotes ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess for kids: A good way of education

Chess for kids

The small ones of the house usually give headaches for their high hyperactivity. The majority of the children in age between four and seven years must have complementary activities besides the school that not only helps to burn calories but also to develop mental and physical abilities. For this, chess for kids is recommended.

Chess for kids at this age is called “pre-chess” since it is a stage where children have their first contact with the game itself. Do not wait for the kid to develop a high level in this complex game, however, it will Read more

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chess in schools
08 Chess anecdotes ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess in schools: The big benefits – 5 ideas about it.

Chess in schools

Every day, people become more aware of the benefits of playing chess. This is one of the reasons for the use of the chess in schools. It's being implemented as an activity for students to practice during class and during breaks.

However, the beginning of chess in schools goes back a few years to California. A volunteer father developed a project which goal was to teach students how to play chess. The idea was well accepted in schools nationwide and expanded quickly to schools in other countries. This made chess a class many students have to … Read more

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23 chess tuition
08 Chess anecdotes ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess tuition and its effective consequences. Did you know all of them?

The chess tuition

Nothing more real than this phrase said by one of the best grandmasters in chess, David Bronstein: “Chess is a game where every piece count, where you have to have a better tactic than your opponent because otherwise, you will lose.” Chess tuition is very positive for the person who practices it.

Chess has transcended in history for more than six hundred (600) years. It is qualified as a sport, because it competes, shares intellect and requires some agility to play it.

Chess is a fun and competitive world

This sport is growing, the number of … Read more

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learn chess
08 Chess anecdotes ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Learn chess. Discover all the benefits this awesome sport has.

Everyone has heard the word “checkmate” at some point in their lives. Either by chance, because they read it in a book or saw it in a movie. But not everyone knows how to achieve it effectively in chess. You will be able to achieve it in a masterful way if you decide to learn chess.

Chess is a game considered as a sport, where there are two (2) players located at each end of a board that is divided into 8×8 squares composed of 32 pieces, sixteen (16) white and sixteen (16) black alike: One (1) queen, One … Read more

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