Hou Yifan is one excellent grandmaster who has been the woman world chess champion many times. Her incredible strength and capabilities for chess have allowed her to become the best woman chess player in history.
She has only been bested by Judith Polgar, the Chinese talent that took glory to her country for feminine chess. She is the third woman in history to have a rating superior to 2600, having 2657 of rating right now, and she is still active.
She is the actual woman chess champion, being 2016 the last time she defended her title against Humpy Koneru. This is one of the greatest women grandmasters ever seen, and one you can surely learn from.
Today you will learn about Hou Yifan's playstyle and talent that got her to be the undisputed champion for many years. She was also the first woman in history to compete in the Meltwater Tour, and world-class chess championships.
Apart from that, although she hasn’t gone over the 2700 rating, she has beaten with no trouble masters at this level. Like in the Gibraltar Champions of 2012 when she won first place over many strong masters.
Her career is brilliant, she has had the luxury to win at the Grand Prix Chess, Speed Chess championships, and others. Now you will learn how Hou Yifan got to that place, and why she is considered one of the best woman chess players in history.
Hou Yifan’s Playstyle

How Yiyan is one of those players that will slowly but surely get the advantage to finally win. It’s interesting the way she plays, it reminds me of the unique and particular style of the very Anatoly Karpov.
What happens is that she will prefer 100 times going for a positional advantage rather than getting to attack. She especially likes those positions where you can stroke your rival by taking away space and provoking mistakes.
The pressure while playing Hou Yifan will be high, so most of the players prepare for that kind of position.
She has proved to be highly capable to know if a certain sacrifice will be advantageous, like in one of the games we will show you. An exquisite queen sacrifice, but that was purely positional, a rarely played sacrifice that sure requires guts to be played!
Although she seems to be a positional player, she can also strike very hard her opponent.
Best chess games by Hou Yifan

Another example of a great performance by the champion Hou Yifan is this next game. Although you already see that she prefers to play positions where she can seize small advantages safely, you will see something different.
And this is one fine attack by the Chinese queen that gift us this beautiful game.
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